
Showing posts from 2018

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Credit Card Transactions


Your MOST Valuable Asset: Your Point of Sale DATA!

At 2Touch Point of Sale we understand that the most valuable asset your point of sale system creates is data collection.    Data collection for all aspects of your business including employee data, menu and sales data and more. Gathering sales data tells you about your business success and shortcomings. At 2TouchPOS we believe that collecting your customers names and spending habits, and social media information will help you influence customer visits and spending while on site.  Set up gift cards, loyalty programs and rewards and then get at your data. Use it to adapt to your customers wants and needs. Build your customer network with communication, marketing and activity information use 2TouchPOS to collect and work with customer data.  2TouchPOS is under constant innovation. It’s updated up to 6 times a year and is highly customizable in the most complex scenarios.  We understand that each establishment we work with is unique.  Our flexib...

Combined Point of View Point of View Using 2TouchPOS!



The 2TouchPOS Guys are going to the NightClub and Bar Show! This year we have a new plan to present! Our presentation will focus on: What establishments can do to secure their POS System Data. What to look for to recognize what your data is showing you. How taxes impact your bottom line. And More..... The employees at 2TouchPOS have contributed their valuable experience to the software to develop a system that  benefits YOUR staff every day!  We look forward to sharing our knowledge and experience with you! Drop by our website to learn more!

How do you Take YOUR Technology Investment to a New Level?

Image With the rising cost of equipment and expertise;   your Point of Sale System and day to day business analysis is becoming more and more essential and costly. To get the most out of your investment we have decided to address essential topics that should be planned for to make your technology ownership more meaningful to you and your business. First and foremost get to know the company you would like to do business with. How long has the technology company been in business? What does the Technology Department there have to offer? What kind of Equipment is recommended? How does the company plan for future functionality and ancillary technological advances? Think about it; technology is advancing at an alarming rate; what’s new today is obsolete at an expediential rate.   What is your technology company going to do to protect your investments and keep your system running for the years ahead?   Another factor that you m...