Hey What's Going on with YOUR POS System? Part 3
System Lag I have a “vested interest” in the hospitality industry and I am also a patron. I really enjoy going out to socialize, get a great cocktail, and have a well-prepared meal. Sometimes I tell people that I’m in the business. Other times I just sit back relax and watch. I learn a lot by watching when I am in an establishment. Quite often, when my evening is done I will head out with several pages of notes that I have taken regarding what I have heard while I was there. This is one way I keep the ideas flowing about how I can improve 2Touch and make my customers and business partners happier. More and more people have told me stories about lag. It does not matter which role you play in the business if you are in hospitality you use a POS system. For a Point of Sales system lag is a real problem. Having your POS run slowly on a Friday is just plain wrong! Your system has to keep going but when it is busy g...