Hey; What is Going on With YOUR Point of Sale System?

Credit Cards

chipcard picture.jpgNow you pay for people paying you.  Yeah seriously it is true!  Think about the payment processing business how it works and how we have all been sucked in. Sorry folks at this point; there is no going back.  We have to get on the bandwagon and play the game or, we are going to lose out.  Almost every business I know of that sells something is offering the option to patrons to pay with plastic.  I know of one gas station out in the country about an hour away from where I live that is cash only.  That is the only place that I can think of that will not take plastic.  Man, things have changed!
no cash accepted.pngSince using cards to pay has become commonplace it seems as though we all should be able to get with the program.  There should be an easy way to make them work correctly every time.  There have always been problems with swiping.  Sometimes card member information had to be manually entered so that the card could be used.  Now with EMV there are a completely new set of rules that have been implemented to guard against fraud.  The processing speed has slowed and sometimes the chip readers do not work correctly after waiting a few minutes for the chip to process.  Everyone is talking about it.  Will the chip work?  Is it enabled?  And what happens if I don’t use it?
There is an emotional response from the customer if the card does not process properly.  Psychology tells us that if the card does not process effectively in a short period of time the customer may reconsider the purchase.  They may decide to buy less.  This could affect your check average.
Everyone is having issues with the new payment processing applications. There are so many new technologies out there that payment processing has become big business. For our establishments who have issues with payment processing we tell our customers to try a few things first:
  • Trouble shoot the data capture tool or swiping, chip, and “dip” processor.  Make sure your connections are secure.
  • Check your USB cable; make sure it is connected and that there is no damage to the cord.
  • Check for any indicator lights that may tell you that the connection is working the light may be green or white depending upon the processing unit.
  • Check your USB Port.  If it does not work on a different port then you may have another issue.
  • Reboot the router and the terminal. Allow ample time for terminal to set up.
  • Unplug your Cat 5 Cables. Wait. Plug them back in.
  • Check your ancillary unit on a different workstation. You may need 2TouchPOS technical staff to assist you with trouble shooting or, this may work effectively without help.  It depends upon your configuration. You will have to test and see.
  • Make sure your payment-processing unit is in the correct operating mode.
When you have 2TouchPOS we re-check our credit card system settings. Sometimes administrative users from your establishment have entered in setting changes that shouldn’t have been implemented.  Our technical team members can review your settings and ensure that attributes are re-set.  If you can’t correct the issues with your unit and the 2TouchPOS technical staff cannot solve the issue,  then it is time to call your payment processor to assist you. There may be another series of steps that you will have to take to correct the issue; once you get them on the phone.
Point of Sales systems all have a method for closing and batching out the day’s credit card sales.  With 2TouchPOS the closing process is sequentially organized and in a column, so that you will intuitively follow the process every time.  If for some reason your system did not batch correctly the next time you attempt batching out, it may mis-fire. If you want the necessary funds to be transferred to your account without problems it is important to settle your days work every day.  Daily batching out needs to be a habit, and this will ensure that you will receive your funds in a timely manner.
Reports.pngAlways look over your account information and make sure that your fund totals match your electronic transfers.  2TouchPOS has history information that can be used as verification.  Your software provider is not always the first to call if there is a problem with your transaction totals your credit card processing unit, and the batching out process.  We highly recommend that you call the payment processor first to save time.  Quite often, the problems that occur are solved by working directly with your payment-processing provider.

Don’t be afraid to talk with us about reliable payment processing companies that cater to the needs of the hospitality business.  We have been checking out several different companies and have found a few that are ready to fulfill the needs of the customers  who have establishments who frequently need credit and debit card payments processed.  Feel free to ask a server next time you are out are you going to swipe or dip my card?  I think you will find that most establishments are not EMV Capable yet.  If you need us we are available to answer any additional questions. Contact us to find out more!


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