
Showing posts from January 29, 2017

eLearning is in Addition to Other Modes of 2TouchPOS Training

Monitor Your Progress At 2TouchPOS we offer a Learning Management System which helps to automate the management and tracking of   e Learning Training . We offer you eLearning content that applies directly to using the 2TouchPOS software. This can eliminate the need to keep manual records of who attended which training course, who still needs to complete certain courses, and when your organization last trained on a particular subject. Furthermore, through the coordination of eLearning events you can: Assign training to groups of employees, then see who has completed the assignment. Track how much time someone spent in a lesson. Encourage practice with quizzes and reinforcement activities to ensure that participants are really absorbing the material. Start a process for record keeping for training. Let us help you fulfill your employee training requirements. You can Check Participants Progress You Can Monitor Status Mon...

Our Tech Team Works for YOU!

2TouchPOS Team Members: We have a Call Center Technician group that understands the restaurant business.   They will be supporting the project from the very beginning providing you with ongoing support as needed.  Our team leader is highly skilled at coordinating and ensuring that great customer service is provided . Each of our employees have worked in the business in one capacity or another because of this, we have a deepened understanding of your concerns and requirements.     2TouchPOS uses a Detailed Approach Timeline: Our typical timeline would be 3-4 weeks.   We would plan to build your system and provide you with the staff necessary as soon as we receive your information.   As a 2TouchPOS partner;   information flows both ways. We will need your information details and we will continue to ask you for what we need to set up your system for you. Your input is necessary while we build your system together. Assist...