15 Most Wanted POS System Attributes

Welcome to our Countdown of the 15 'POS ATTRIBUTES' that Business Owners are Looking for in a Point of Sale System!  

15.) Will I love my POS?  or… Want to hit it with a HAMMER?

14.) One Size Fits ALL?  Really?

13.) New POS or No New POS.. I HATE CHANGE!

12.) Can My POS Play Music while I work? I need that to do INVENTORY….

11.) Will my NEW POS Monitor Operational Activities?

10.) We need to know if we are Making a Profit…or losing MONEY. EVERY DAY!

9.)  I want my POS to contribute to Organizing Operating Processes?  My staff need to know what to do when it gets busy. How can the POS help with that?

8.) How fast will the employees learn how to MASTER the NEW POS?

7.) Will I get reports that I CAN Understand?

6.)  I want a VACATION? Can I take one and still know what is going on?

5.)  My Payroll is always LATE.  I want to pay my people on time. Can the POS track punches? And… does the POS provide an electronic time tracking system that records and ensures that staff have had their breaks for the appropriate amount of time?  In addition, does it show the start of the shift; lunch and end of shift activities?

4.) Technology is progressing; I need a POS Company that keeps up with the Technology Evolution.  I want the latest and greatest so when I buy that new POS am I stuck or; does the POS Company offer plans for technology advancement that I can take advantage of?

3.) I’m Looking for a POS that is Fast, Accurate, and the HUB for information exchange between the Front of the House and the Back of the House.  What does yours do to make THAT Happen??

2.) Payment Processing costs money. I don’t want it to COST ME Money. Can your POS system help with that?

1.) What is the business like that I’m buying from; I need honesty, I need Pricing, I need a Partner that GIVES me Peace of Mind.  I want support when I need it; is the support really 24/7?  Who Are these PEOPLE?  Will I like them and TRUST them for MY business needs?


These are all very real concerns ranked by people in the business.  The 2TouchPOS system programmatically addresses each of your 15 concerns, so using the system actually guides your business and processes so that your establishment runs smoothly.  As for your 15 Most Desired Attributes, we get it! The 2TouchPOS system addresses these concerns and we can explain each concern as features during our upcoming BLOG posts.  Stay Tuned!

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