13. New POS or No New POS.. I HATE CHANGE!

Not going to come right to the point actually GOING off on a tangent for a moment. A few weeks back we started our 15 main points that people in the Restaurant Business look for in their Point of Sale System.  I just want you to know about What I Found.  At 2TouchPOS, we spend some time sizing up our competition.  Our 15 Main Points well;  has been a Popular Blog.  So popular, that our competitors with Vast Marketing Teams have borrowed our idea, and placed a spin on it!  Hey they are saying 25 Main Points that you’re looking for in a new POS System or 10, or just the Main Points to look for when BUYING a New POS! It seems as though these marketing team members should be creative enough to get their own ideas.  Ahem, 2Touch does not spend money on a Multi-Faceted Marketing Team.  We spend our time and resources developing and improving our product and our processes!  So think about what 2TouchPOS will look like in the years ahead compared to the Point of Sale Companies who are focused on Marketing.  We are here to listen to YOU and work to improve our product so that YOU can focus on other aspects of your business.


Ok back to our original idea we are on number 13; which is: New POS or No New POS.. I HATE CHANGE!

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OK so you’ve had your POS for a while and you have grown to be unsatisfied with it’s performance. Maybe you have become unsatisfied with the software itself. Or… maybe the support team really is NOT 24/7. Or; perhaps after using your POS system you have decided that you’re not recouping the benefits that you need to.  Or perhaps it’s a slug; slowly processing your transactions because you have to plug in too many data entries to place your order.  Whatever the reason YOU feel you are done with that relationship.  OK Hey;  we Get it.  NOW Get 2Touch.


Just think about it for a minute.  Every day you go to work and you hate that POS system.  However it is easier to do that;  than it is to make an operational change. What you are not considering is 2TouchPOS.  We have helped thousands of establishments JUST LIKE yours!  Make the transition from one POS system to OUR POS system.  Not only that;  but with the 2TouchPOS operations format we have helped these establishments identify their business frustrations,  poor practices, and losses then together we replace these with smooth operational procedures and higher profits.


Change?  Yeah it’s scary and sometimes takes effort. However, look ahead; if you are better off then you need to do it.  Change is inevitable.  Make your CHANGE with us; 2TouchPOS.  We work together to make your transition easier and less stressful. When you choose 2Touch, you get a partner who is with you every step of the way!  Change?  Yeah, you should get 2TouchPOS piece of cake!


Phone:  888-756-7994 ext 1

Email:   info@2touchpos.com




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