3.) I’m Looking for a POS that is Fast, Accurate, and the HUB for information exchange between the Front of the House and the Back of the House. What does yours do to make THAT Happen??


                                      WOW! Number 3 of our countdown!

Most POS systems have software to calculate the data they gather.  Our competitors do a good job capturing transaction data.  After all; each of us use computer programs so hey, we can all gather the data.  Most POS systems communicate with the kitchen, prep area, and bar.  So far, what you have heard is all typical Point of Sale System information.  Now we will explain how 2TouchPOS Might be a bit different.


We have a POWERFUL Process that expedites Information Entry, Information Dissemination, and Reporting:





2TouchPOS is a flexible system.  From how you would like your receipts to appear, to how you configure your positions, customer accounts and floor plan; you can have the system set up the way YOU need it to be!  When you get 2Touch, you tell us how you conduct business and we configure the system to meet your needs.  If you do not have a clear operational format, then let our system processes lead the way!


Our system provides a method for you to configure your receipts the way that you would like to.  Some our chefs’ have English as a second language.  When we run across this, we can increase font size; space words, and ensure that modifiers to each order are color-coded.  From how your items display in the kitchen, to receipt displays for cocktails with 2TouchPOS,  you can adjust to fit your requirements and you’ll have the results for communicating orders that you are looking for.


Accuracy in order entry is another feature that you will appreciate when you get 2TouchPOS.  Your Staff will be able to better define what they sell from modifiers to add-on’s.  You will be able to configure speed screens to fit your positions and your menu.  Your Server Screen can be configured differently from your bartender screen.  These attributes make it possible for your staff to enter orders with ease.  Everything they need is at their finger tips.  With 2TouchPOS, definitions for what people really want are available and accessible.  These options better describe what your customers need, contribute to timing the meal, provide a location, and specify communications to the preparation staff.  


Lunch Hour Server Screen.png                Serv Speed Screen Dinner.png



So yes, 2TouchPOS is the HUB for communication exchange for all of your staff Front of the House and Back.  Above and beyond the daily operational essentials are the reports and “After the Fact” information that 2TouchPOS can provide that will help you take your establishment further.  The fact that our data can be reported back to you in the form of a dashboard, or easy to understand pre-configured report, will help you get the details that YOU want quickly.  You’ll have time for the other activities that you really enjoy!  Info IS exchanged between the FOH and BOH readily, quickly… and because of our easy entry process, your staff will have time to read their orders over before they HIT SEND.


So That’s what 2TouchPOS Does to make the HUB Happen. Click Here to make it all happen for you!  


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