2TouchPOS Working for you to keep your money SAFE!
track of your charge payments and payment processes is becoming routine for business
owners. Monitoring your bank account
balances is a daunting task, but now that consumers have the ability to dispute
charges; more and more businesses are left “Holding the Bag”. Chargebacks can happen when a customer claims
that they did not get what they paid for.
A consumer can get their money back after a purchase simply by calling
their bank or a Credit Card Dispute
Agency; explaining the circumstance and then if the bank agrees or finds
cause, the money is given back to the consumer.
This means that YOUR customers may have the ability to reverse a charge
for a tab that you thought was paid for. I was reading some articles on the topic as I
continue to be concerned for our 2TouchPOS customers. Take a look: Chargeback
This concept is beginning to really hit establishment
owners in the restaurant industry. I’ve
been concerned for our customers since the EMV
Chip Card Technology was rolled out, as the dispute process has been made simpler
for consumers. Don’t get me wrong; there
are some situations where a chargeback is warranted, however it is becoming common
practice. This process of returning
money to the consumers after they have spent an evening in your establishment
weighs heavily on the owner or merchant who is now responsible for ensuring
that guests always get what they pay for or; they will end up responsible.
Chargebacks are becoming big
business and I am sure that this trend is not going away. At 2TouchPOS we have been working diligently
to ensure that our recommended payment processing company has prioritized
shifting liability through their fraud prevention practices. Payment
Processing Companies act as the middlemen between banks, merchants and the
consumer. As middlemen your payment
processing company is partly responsible for collecting funds from the
consumer. With the right payment
processor your liability becomes a shared responsibility.
Sometimes we get a call from a prospective customer
who wants to save money using a payment processor that has not been fully
reviewed through the 2TouchPOS Process.
In the long run we want to please our customers and we do what we can to
help our customers get what they need to make payment processing affordable and
to keep our customers safe from fraud.
So we have suggestions that
may assist our customers and our future customers! Right now in the restaurant
industry there is a BIG PUSH to create a customer experience. To ensure the
customer gets what they pay for make sure that there is consistency in the
preparation of your menu items, drinks and most importantly service. Now more
than ever, YOUR Front of the House Staff HAS to be “ON-POINT”! If you
have entertainment they must start on time, and play as long as you have
In the meantime watch your
accounts, if a dispute is initiated tell your side of the story, and work with your payment processor to avoid
Push yourself to follow your
sales history; monitor your credit card activities, keep an eye on your
transaction history, and manage your business by making sure the ‘Right Staff’
have your back. Watch your profits increase through sound business practices
and never ‘over promise’. If you need any assistance with your reports or are
having trouble finding information that you need, let us know. We can help. Contact us!
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