Are Reports Real Time???; Why Yes..Yes They Are! And More.

I have been answering questions about 2TouchPOS Reports!  And your most important question is....

  • Are reports real time?

There are several ways to select how the data entered into the 2TouchPOS System can be drawn out.  Let's say you are busy, and you are the manager.  You haven't stopped all day; and you want to see what your status is.  You can touch any 2TouchPOS station on the floor and access the “Daily Report Preview”.  This feature will allow you to get instant access to a snapshot of your shift providing sales, amounts, server and check data.  A great way to see real-time data.  This can be refreshed every 30 seconds. 


Next, of course we have our preconfigured report data that can be printed, emailed, or previewed at any time directly from the system.  There are end of shift reports that are set up to be emailed, printed and included in the end of shift process.


Then; there is Data Key.  Data Key is a feature that is part of our service and support plan.  This feature provides raw data from the 2TouchPOS system; this data is transferred to a cloud, then accessed, downloaded and integrated into systems that monitor accounting functions, payroll, and inventory processes.  It also is viewed through a data browser that we like to call “vibe”.


There is a lag of about 5 minutes depending upon your internet connection and speed and it takes a few minutes to transfer and format the data.  So yes Reports are real time and more! If you would like a demo let us know!


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