11.) YES, Your New POS will Monitor Operational Activities
Our 15 most common concerns when researching a New POS System countdown
Continues with:
11.) Will my NEW POS Monitor Operational Activities?
Continues with:
11.) Will my NEW POS Monitor Operational Activities?
With 2TouchPOS, yes you will;
from many different points of view. Our
Menu Engineering report provides you with a solid sales history. We take it one step further offering you a
historical report which displays the number of items sold, percent of sales
costing information (if you have set your
system up this way), selling price, profit and total revenue. 2TouchPOS even ranks these items as stars, plow
horses, dogs, and puzzles.
will have system reports, daily sales information and employee sales reports so
that you can make decisions based upon patterns that you see in your employee
and sales information.
employee area provides additional reports that can assist in managing employee
time, sales data, and shift management. The
manager can look at the daily summary and see what is happening in the
establishment during the shift. You can
even check to see who is “clocked in” and who might be missing from your
planned shift.
2TouchPOS, you monitor your operations using a mobile device. Use DataKey to download your information in
real time!
your business from anywhere at any time with 2TouchPOS. There are several additional ways that 2TouchPOS can provide you with Operational Monitoring. Get
your information the way you want it! Our Account Managers will provide answers
to your questions regarding this topic. Let us answer your questions!
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