6.) I want a VACATION. Can I take one and still know what is going on?

Now let’s talk about Number 6 in the countdown, and the answer is YES; you’ll be able to monitor operations and delve deeply into your profits and losses.  If you’re in the restaurant business you are probably a workaholic.  This is a typical restaurant industry trait for most people; we just do not get away often enough.  But; with 2TouchPOS that could change for you!  So yes, you need to take that vacation, and when you have 2TouchPOS WE are going to make that happen.  Hey; we all work harder than the “Average Joe” in this business so do it.  Now get 2TouchPOS and play hard.

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I’ll bet you’re wondering how we can help you make that happen?  Well 2Touch offers you a few ways to monitor your business and get the facts from wherever you are.  You just need the internet.  You can access your system from your phone, tablet, or computer.  Your interaction can be quick, the information rich with options to preview or sort and target the data so that you can get answers to your question instantly, cohesively and you can get the information in real time.

Our software provides a method to “tap” into your 2Touch System from wherever you are.  Information is downloaded from our cloud solution.  The data is formatted anyway you choose.  Using a cloud is a secure way to transport transaction data and reports so that accounting, inventory, and payroll processing vendors can automatically download the real time data to process on your behalf. 

With 2touch, you get several robust reports and data access.  Our reports have an export feature and typically are emailed in the form of RTF documents.  So not only can you tap into the system,  you will also be receiving the reports in your email box they are  pre-programmed according to your preferences. You Get Them how “often” or how “little” you choose to get them.  You can use VIBE to see your information on your cell.

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When you Choose 2TouchPOS as YOUR Point of Sale you’ll get your information whenever you need it.  And…..if you need something a bit different; talk to us.  We are the ones who could make that happen for you! So about that Vacation, are YOUR bags packed?


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