Ok; Taking a BREAK from our Countdown to talk about the Server Bank!

With 2TouchPOS, your servers tally up at the end of the night!

Servers get slammed during busy shifts.  I was at a great place in my neighborhood and decided to pay cash for my dinner.  I just stopped out for a quick one!  When I was all set, the server dropped the check and I slipped my cash in the sleeve and held the book in my hand.

When the server came back I said I need $10.00 back and you can keep the rest.  The server had a dual pocket apron.  One segment for her checks, order booklet, and the other for a thin narrow case that contained cash to be used for change.  The money was organized by denomination and the case even had a zipper segment for coins.  For what it’s worth, I liked getting my change right away.  I said goodnight got up and left and didn’t have to wait at the table for the server to get change instead, I was on my way.


However the server wants to organize their bank is up to them.  It is a great way to organize your shift and can really help the server make sure they keep track of their tips and payments.

Organized server.png

Whether a server uses one organizer or two, having an apron with deep pockets ensures that the order book and cash stay with the server.

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Requiring that servers have a bank has become common practice for most establishments using POS systems.  When payments are processed they are either cash, (and the patron tells the server to keep the change) or, there is a charge and servers process the charge payment and later add in a designated tip.

We do the same thing with the 2TouchPOS system. Our shift end server report provides carefully calculated totals that distinguish between cash or card payments, calculates tip totals, the system distinguishes between debits and credits occurring during the server shift and then provides an ending amount that the server owes the house for tabs and menu items that were ordered.  At the end of the shift, the server has their bank, and their tips and the house has been paid for each tab.

Here is an example:

Let's say you bring $50 for your bank.
You make sales of $1,000.
You earn $200 in tips.

If all of your sales were credit card sales, you will go home with your untouched $50 and $200 from the till (minus what you spend on your Busser or B-Server) all of this information is communicated in the server report.

Let’s say you made cash sales and used your bank to make change.  A customer spent $60 and wanted to tip you $20.  He handed you a $100 bill.  You handed him $20 back.  You now have $100 from the customer and $10 left in your bank = $110.

When you cash out, the server report will require you to turn in the $60 that the customer spent on food.
$110 - $60 = $50.
$50 = your $20 tip plus the $30 bank you brought in.

When you use the 2TouchPOS system your server report will show you your transaction totals, whether your tabs were cashed out or charged the server tips are totaled and a balance due is indicated.

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That amount would be turned in at the end of the night to pay the total of the tabs.  The server will have their bank and their nights tips at shift end.  All along 2TouchPOS is gathering the data and making the calculations for you.  Use 2Touch to figure it out! The system provides totals and simplifies the process of “server banking”.  So come to work with your change bank and give your customers the finest service possible.

We know you may have questions about the Server Bank and how this all works.  Our account managers are on hand to assist you in making this happen. Give us a call and we will show you how the server report in 2Touch works. Contact US!


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